Creating a mysqldump with a limited number of rows per table
To create a subset version of a database (for instance to create a semi-usable test database using real data but when the live database is very large):
mysqldump --where="1 LIMIT 5000" db_name
This works because the --where parameter is appended to the query that selects content from the tables (so it's not actually limited to being a WHERE clause).
Various articles:
Synopsis: the myisam engine does not do any io optimisation (deferring this as is common with myisam to the operating system). To get the maximum benefit from the io scheduler optimisation increase the io scheduler queue size from the defaulf of 128:
root@server:~# echo 100000 > /sys/block/sda/queue/nr_requests root@server:~# echo 100000 > /sys/block/sdb/queue/nr_requests