My Notes
CountryFireAuthority (CFA Victoria)
/GoLang - The Go Programming Language
/DownloadYouTube (and then /ExtractAudioFromFlash)
MoinMoin macro development: WikiNotes/MoinMoinMacroDevelopment
/PyWin - Python in windows development
/PythonUnicode - Python and unicode
/PythonClassGenerator - Python Class Generator
DieRetry - Perl module (Die::Retry)
timefilter - Perl script giltering stdin to stdout in time windows - FSF project to convert Mailman wiki from Confluence to MoinMoin
(gist) A badass list of frontend development resources I collected over time (and the HN discussion about it)
hub of Tutorials, Tools and Assets for developers and designers
Older Notes (Not looked at for some time)
/OracleDevelopment - Things that have come up (as they tend to) with Oracle