User Library Configuration
Using local::lib and a modified CPAN configuration
1. Configure CPAN (do this first because an endless loop can be caused by the following PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT step).
$ cpan # This allows you to select options (for example the mirror)
2. Configure CPAN to automatically answer with default (usually "yes")
This is an ExtUtils::MakeMaker environment variable.
$ export PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 # (add this to your .bashrc/.bash_profile)
3. Install local::lib
$ perl Makefile.PL --bootstrap # (add "eval $(perl -I$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib)" to your .bashrc/.bash_profile) # Run the above or start a new shell to make local::lib active
4. Install CPAN::Bundle for a nicer CPAN experience.
$ cpan CPAN::Bundle
5. Install perl5i
$ cpan perl5i
Using perlbrew and cpanm
Perlbrew is an ultra-easy way to install multiple user-level perl versions and switch between them freely. App::cpanminus / cpanm is a light-weight and also ultra-easy way to install modules from CPAN and works very easily with Perlbrew.
1. Install Perlbrew
$ curl -kL | bash $ source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc
I set up a bash alias to active perlbrew only when I want it - meaning that until I do so everything I do is with the system perl:
alias pbon='source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc'
2. Install perlbrew perl
$ perlbrew available perl-5.17.7 perl-5.16.2 perl-5.14.3 perl-5.12.5 perl-5.10.1 perl-5.8.9 perl-5.6.2 perl5.005_04 perl5.004_05 perl5.003_07 $ perlbrew install perl-5.16.2 $ perlbrew switch perl-5.16.2
3. Install cpanm
$ perlbrew install-cpanm
4. Install perl modules
cpanm Acme::Everything
(Possibly not such a good idea)